Cheat Sheet
Svelte Component
<!-- Widget.svelte -->
export let textValue
<div class="container">
.container {
color: blue;
<!-- App.svelte -->
import Widget from './Widget.svelte'
const title = 'App'
<Widget textValue="I'm a svelte component" />
let isShowing = true
let cat = 'cat'
let user = {name: 'John Wick'}
let email = ''
<p>2 + 2 = {2 + 2}</p>
<p on:click={() => isShowing = !isShowing}>
<p>My e-mail is {email}</p>
<p>{cat + `s`}</p>
<p>{`name ${}`}</p>
Simple Bind
export let href = ''
export let title = ''
export let color = ''
<a href={href} style="color: {color}" >
// Shorthand
<a {href} style="color: {color}" >
import MyLink from "./components/MyLink";
let link = {
href: "",
title: "My Site",
color: "#ff3300"
<MyLink {} />
Two Way Bind
<MyInput bind:value={value} />
// Shorthand
<MyInput bind:value />
<select multiple bind:value={fillings}>
<option value="Rice">Rice</option>
<option value="Beans">Beans</option>
<option value="Cheese">Cheese</option>
value="Plain" />
value="Whole wheat" />
value="Rice" />
value="Beans" />
// Element Binding
let myDiv
<button on:click={() => myDiv.innerText = 'My text'}>
<div bind:this={myDiv}/>
Use action
function myFunction(node) {
// the node has been mounted in the DOM
return {
destroy() {
// the node has been removed from the DOM
<div use:myFunction></div>
Conditional Render
{#if condition}
<p>Condition is true</p>
{:else if otherCondition}
<p>OtherCondition is true</p>
<p>Any Condition is true</p>
// Re render
{#key value}
<div transition:fade>{value}</div>
Await Template
{#await promise}
<p>waiting for the promise to resolve...</p>
{:then value}
<p>The value is {value}</p>
{:catch error}
<p>Something went wrong: {error.message}</p>
Render HTML
const myHtml = '<span><strong>My text:</strong> text</span>'
{@html '<div>Content</div>'}
{@html myHtml}
Handle Events
<button on:click={handleClick}>
Press me
<button on:click={() => console.log('I was pressed')}>
Press me
<button on:click|once={handleClick}>
Press me
<button on:submit|preventDefault={handleClick}>
Press me
Forwarding Event
// Widget.svelte
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
<button on:click={() => dispatch('message', { text: 'Hello!' })} />
<button on:click>Press me</button>
// App.svelte
import Widget from '.Widget.svelte'
on:click={() => alert('I was clicked')}
on:message={e => alert(e.detail.text)}>
Rendering List
{#each items as item}
<li>{} x {item.qty}</li>
<li>Empty list</li>
{#each items as item, index}
{index + 1}: {} x {item.qty}
{#each items as item, index (}
{index + 1}: {} x {item.qty}
Using Slot
<!-- Widget.svelte -->
<slot>Default content</slot>
<!-- App.svelte -->
<Widget />
<p>I changed the default content</p>
Multiple Slot
<!-- Widget.svelte -->
<slot name="header">
No header was provided
<p>Some content between header and footer</p>
<slot name="footer" />
<!-- App.svelte -->
<h1 slot="header">Hello</h1>
<p slot="footer">
Copyright (c) 2020 Svelte Brazil
<!-- FancyList.svelte -->
{#each items as item}
<li class="fancy">
<slot name="item" {item} />
<!-- App.svelte -->
<FancyList {items}>
<div slot="item" let:item>
Class Binding
export let type = 'normal'
export let active = true
<div class={active ? 'active' : ''} class={type}>
<div class:active={active} class={`otherClass ${type}`}>
// Match class
<div class:active>...</div>
import { onMount } from 'svelte'
onMount(() => {
return () => console.log('going out')
// Other lifecycle functions
onMount(() => {}),
beforeUpdate(() => {}),
afterUpdate(() => {}),
onDestroy(() => {})
import { flip } from "svelte/animate";
import { quintOut } from "svelte/easing";
let list = [1, 2, 3];
{#each list as n (n)}
<div animate:flip={{
delay: 250,
duration: 250,
easing: quintOut
import { fade } from "svelte/transition";
export let condition;
{#if condition}
<div transition:fade={{ delay: 250, duration: 300 }}>
fades in and out
// Other transitions
[Blur, Scale, Fly, Draw, Slide]
Reactive Expressions
let num = 0
$: squared = num * num
$: cubed = squared * num
<button on:click={() => num = num + 1}>
Increment: {num}
Reactive Statement
$: if (count >= 10) {
alert('count is dangerously high!')
count = 9
let foo, bar, baz
$: quux = foo + bar
$: console.log(quux)
$: {
// block expression
$: if (quux > 10) {
// actually any ->
} else {
// js expression
$: for (let i = 0; i < baz; i++) {
// any js expression
// function declaration too
$: grunt = arg => quux / arg * baz
$: { // this would also work
if (quux < 10) break $
$: (async () => { // and even this
bar = await Promise.resolve(foo%2)
Dynamically select a component
<!-- Title1.svelte -->
<h1> Component 1 </h1>
<!-- Title2.svelte -->
<h2> Component 2 </h2>
<!-- App.svelte -->
import Title1 from './Title1.svelte'
import Title2 from './Title2.svelte'
let component = Title1
let name = 'world';
<select bind:value={component}>
<option value={Title1}>Title 1</option>
<option value={Title2}>Title 2</option>
<svelte:component this={component} />
Changing style properties
<!-- These are equivalent -->
<div style:color="red">...</div>
<div style="color: red;">...</div>
<!-- Variables can be used -->
<div style:color={myColor}>...</div>
<div style="color: {myColor}">...</div>
<!-- Shorthand, for when property and variable name match -->
<div style:color>...</div>
<!-- Multiple styles can be included -->
<div style:color style:width="12rem" style:background-color={darkMode ? "black" : "white"}>...</div>